updated: 2022-01-23_12:32:31-05:00
updated: 2021-11-18_09:02:05-05:00
- ....
Cortana: virtual assistant and AI in Halo
Female Assistants by default
Rooted in historical role women have played in the workforce
94.2% of secretaries & assistants
most americans prefer it
Perpetuates women
Sexualization of Cortana
- The only unclothed ai in halo
- subservient to male commander
- problematic character
She is not nude, has neither clothers nor private parts (director)
- Chooses to appear this way to attract and demand attention
Microsoft has shown us how not to depict a virtual assistant
- ACM Code of ethics
- 1.1 (does not respect diversity)
- 1.4 (should not disenfranchise etc)
- 3.2 (fufillment of social responsibilities)
Natural Language processing and the future
- Synthesizing virtual assistants with digital faces and voices is already possible
- going to become more humanlike
Moral and ethical responsibilities to make sure we aren't perpetuating stereotypes
Maybe we shouldn't anthropomorphize them at all?
Purpose is to drive consumerism
Slides were a little tacky, light blue is a weird color on presentations
Boston Dynamics & terminator
Military applications?
Able to do things just like humans or better
need precautions
Could have practiced a little bit more. Video was a bit choppy.
Also, Watermark is painful. Window key + G has recording mode, and there are free video editors
I think the distinction between killer robot and AI should be separated.
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System
Portal, Deicing purpose
Should the main character trust GLaDOS?
- Stockholm's Syndrome
- When GLaDOS is kidnapped, she hates the birds, but later loves them
- Showing human characteristics
Sounds like a good idea to have an AI
Scary, if it has a personality
avoid harm
system that's secure
Human personality is unpredictable
She killed all of them
Nice video, good presentation, good video quality.
AC was on for one point